Egyptian Potatoes

Egyptian Potatoes


  • Size (cm): 55
  • Weight (kg): 25
  • Country of Origin: Egypt
  • Packaging and Delivery Details:
  • Color: Natural yellow
  • Growth in desert lands for 65-75 days
  • Sizes: 33/43, 55/75, 75/80, 80/90 mm and above.

Packaging options:

  • 25 kg new PP bags
  • 10 kg new PP bags
  • Jumbo bags 1000 kg
  • Jumbo container 1250 kg
  • 40-foot rectangular container takes 25 metric tons.

Delivery details: 7-10 days

Egyptian potatoes are highly regarded by the European Union, Russia, and Arab countries. Egypt is one of the largest exporters of high-quality potatoes worldwide.

Potatoes in Egypt are cultivated in three seasons, including the major summer season and the minor winter season.

Egypt’s potato production has reached 5 million tons, and the increase in production continues.

Egypt is among the largest exporters of potatoes, and its quality surpasses that of other countries.

Exports of fresh potatoes accounted for 20% of the total exported Egyptian agricultural products, with around 850 thousand tons, and 13% of the total sector export value, approximately 357 million dollars.